Friday, January 28, 2011

Interview Friday: Endway

Formed in 2004, Boston-based rock band Endway's upbeat vibe, eclectic style and familiar yet original sound is guaranteed to get a crowd moving at any venue across the country. To date they have had three successful releases, along with their newest release "Colors" in 2010, "Running Man" in 2009, "Action" in the summer of 2008 and their self-titled debut in 2005. Four songs from the debut album are featured on 5 different MTV shows including The Real World, Road Rules, and The Hills. Performing nightly, both locally and nationally, the group's dynamic live show is truly something to see and hear. Their live performances include historic Fenway Park, the famed Tainted Blue Studio, SXSW and dozens of college campuses. Their ability to kick-start a music hall is now legendary. Endway has shared the stage with national acts: All Time Low, Brand New, State Radio, Boys Like Girls, Hoobastank, Dashboard Confessional, New Found Glory, Damone, and Lost Prophets. Endway believes in the power of the road trip and has toured the USA many times with great success. While touring in Costa Rica in January 2008, the guys worked hands on with the Roberta Felix Foundation, a charity that benefits underprivileged children with special needs. "During the day we were contributing in any way that we could," says guitarist Kevin McHugh. "It was an eye-opening experience to see that every little bit counts."
On to the interview, we're speaking with the lead singer of Endway, Morgan Dorr:
Can you give my readers a brief introduction to the band, for those who are unfamiliar with you. How did you form?
We wanted to tour, we wanted to be known as those psychos on the road all year, chasing their dream-and we wanted to inspire others to follow their hearts as well. Thus the Endway was born, your way till the end.
Where do you live?
New York City.
When did you first start writing music?
I was 12 years old, wrote a song with my sister for my parents, that's when I caught the bug, since then I've been hooked.
How did you choose your genre?
It just happened, we wanted to bop people over the heads, really drive the point home so it was only natural that we chose this power type of pop/rock.
Who were your influences?
Our fathers, Queen, the Police, Bob Marley, I'm sorry there are just too many.
Did you ever take any formal music lessons?
I took some guitar lessons once. Not for me.
Did your environment while growing up have an impact on the kind of music you make today?
No not really.
Which of your works would you say is your favorite, so far?
Hold me down at this moment.
How did you come up with the name of the new album?
There are so many emotions and different topics on the record, so many life experiences the graphic designer suggested and we were like "ya that's perfect"
How do you feel about the impact of the internet on the music business?
Our manager is constantly training us on daily operations and how important it is. We've found excitement in communicating with people directly, and I think we're going to run with it that way.
Do you think major record labels are necessary any more?
Yes at some point you need machine. Soon the workload will be too great!!
How do you normally write your songs?
Late at night, I get to thinking and sitting with my guitar or piano, then all of the sudden something comes to me, it's very spiritual.
In your opinion, what does a good song need to consist of?
A magical combination of lyric and melody that are both in the same vein.
What song is most exciting to play live? Original and/or cover, please!
I'd have to say "love again" not the Usher song, that fucker stole the title from us. Our song "love again" is just slammin live it always gets everyone dancing all sexy.
What cities have been your favorite to play?
NYC, San Juan Costa Rica, of course Boston,
What do you think the best part of touring is?
Every day is like New Year's Eve.
What cities have had the best reception for your music outside of your home state?
NYC, and DC.
Describe your worst night on tour, ever.
Believe it or not we've been really lucky.
Where do you see the band in 5 years? 10 years?
Playing stadiums across the world.
Any words of wisdom for those with hopes of breaking into music?
Get good! Practice!! Get a great singer!!! Then when you get on the Stage make love to your audience.
What was the strangest thing to have happen while performing on stage?
A fight broke out and we broke into the national anthem, hahah I don't really know why but that was very interesting.
What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
I love that show Glee, the Endway guys aren't gonna see this interview are they?
If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
Freddy Mercury.
What has surprised you most in your career so far?
One time we saved someones life.
Any hobbies outside of music? Sports, etc?
We play a little wiffle ball from time to time.
What do you watch on tv?
Don't do it!!! It will turn your brain to mush.
What movies do you like?
Big cheesy Hollywood productions. That anything with a ninja in it.
Read any good books lately?
Not really.
Fair enough!
Find Endway on the web: