Monday, November 07, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

canny \KAN-ee\, adjective:
1. Careful; cautious; prudent.
2. Astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious.
3. Skilled; expert.
4. Frugal; thrifty.
5. Scot. A. Safe to deal with, invest in, or work at (usually used with a negative). B. Gentle; careful; steady. C. Snug; cozy; comfortable. D. Pleasing; attractive. E. Archaic. Having supernatural or occult powers.
1. In a canny manner.
2. Scot. Carefully; cautiously.
Canny is derived from the Middle English word ken meaning “knowledge or understanding.” It is related to the verb kennen meaning “to see, know, or make known.”
Ring Rage
  • That feeling you get when your iPhone rings from someone actually "calling" you.
Joe's ring rage is out of control when his iPhone rings while he is updating his Facebook page.
Who was King Uther?
  • King Arthur’s father. His full name was Uther Pendragon.
  • Canadian Pacific Railway: transcontinental system was completed, linking Montreal with Port Moody, British Columbia (1885)
  • Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin's forces overthrew Kerensky's government (1917)
  • Blue law: overturned in Pennsylvania, permitting sports on Sunday (1933)
  • Galloping Gertie: suspension bridge over the Tacoma Narrows collapsed due to aeroelastic flutter, killing a cocker spaniel and becoming a textbook engineering disaster case (1940)
  • Richard Nixon: quit politics, saying "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore" (1962); he was elected US President on the same date (1972)
  • African-American civil rights movement: Carl B. Stokes became the first black mayor of a major US city, Cleveland (1967); Douglas Wilder became the first elected black governor of a US state, Virginia (1989)
  • Magic Johnson: LA Lakers basketball star announced he had AIDS and was retiring (1991)
  • Marie Curie: Nobelist in Physics and Chemistry (1867-1934); plus, physicists Lise Meitner (1878-1968) and Chandrasekhara Raman (1888-1970)
  • Leon Trotsky (1879-1940): Communist revolutionary
  • Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989): zoologist, ornithologist and ethologist
  • Albert Camus (1913-1960): author of The Stranger
  • Billy Graham (93): evangelist who has received both the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • Joni Mitchell (68): folk singer, "Both Sides Now"; soprano Joan Sutherland (1926-2010) also celebrates her birthday today
  • Yunjin Kim (38): Lost's Sun-Hwa Kwon
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