Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Review Tuesday: Horror Short Stories: Best Horror Classics

Horror Short Stories:
Best Horror Classics

Horror used to have style, not like the slasher porn we have today. When I had to opportunity to read Horror Short Stories: Best Horror Classics for free in exchange for an honest review, I had to go for it.

This is a collection of "old horror" including two of my favorite juggernauts in the field, Poe and Lovecraft, so you know you're in for a treat. The stories are short, naturally, and are perfect for quick reads for your commute or before retiring for the night. The way people wrote a century ago is so beautiful in the imagery and description, the profound use of vocabulary and the way their imaginations and superstitions played along with the culture at that time and reading these stories is almost an anthropological journey into human fear.

I adored this collection and expect that you should as well.