Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Review Tuesday: Jennifer's Body

When a band thinks they are sacrificing a virgin to Satan in exchange for stardom, they accidentally make her into a demon. 
Recently Mrs. Bax0jayz was trying to find a horror movie and stumbled across this one to watch. Who am I to disagree to a Megan Fox movie?

After the unexpected success of JUNO (which I never watched), Hollywood was celebrating for Diablo Cody for her writing skills. Her next film was JENNIFER'S BODY. Set in a little town in the middle of nowhere, we are drawn into the world of high school students Needy and Jennifer. 

While the movie is called Jennifer's Body, you might expect Megan Fox to be the star. But it's really a story about Jennifer told from the perspective of Needy, played by Amanda Seyfried. So Needy is truly the star of this movie. 

While it was something of an interesting story, the how and why as they developed the lore of the demon Jennifer became, this fell short of being scary. Megan Fox was just so hot in the role that she didn't come off as horrifying. Then the dry humor sprinkled in awkward places seemed to take away for the horror aspect as well. The special effects and the gore, however, were executed exceedingly well. So it seemed to be almost there, but the chatter kinda ruined it.

It's not a bad movie. Just not scary. It's interesting to watch and to see how Jennifer lures in her victims and how Needy figured it all out and deals with it all in the end. Of course, Megan Fox is exceedingly beautiful even in the scenes that she, supposedly, looks rough. So that's a huge plus. 

In the end, I wasn't sorry I saw it, but I think I heard too many people say too many good things about it and high expectations ruined the experience for me. Watch it expecting nothing and you should be fine.