Thursday, August 21, 2008

Word of the Day for Thursday, August 21, 2008

juju \JOO-joo\, noun:

  1. An object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.
  2. The power associated with a juju.
Juju is of West African origin, akin to Hausa djudju, fetish, evil spirit.
jack in v.

  1. To gain entry; to connect, as to a network.
  2. To enter or connect by deceptive or unscrupulous means, esp. with malicious intent.
"He tried to jack in and take down their group from the inside after he heard what they were saying about him behind his back."

Which three tennis greats, all voted into the Tennis Hall of Fame, were left-handed at birth but learned to play right-handed?
  • Margaret Smith Court, Maureen Connolly, and Ken Rosewall.
Today in History

  • Lincoln-Douglas debates: began in the Illinois Senate race; slavery and states' rights were the main issues (1858)
  • Leon Trotsky: Soviet revolutionary died of wounds inflicted by a Stalinist assassin with an ice axe (1940)
  • Hawaii: island group joins the union, bringing to 50 the number of the United States (1959)
Today's Birthdays