peregrination \pehr-uh-gruh-NAY-shun\, noun:
- A traveling from place to place; a wandering.
Peregrination comes from Latin peregrinatio, from peregrinari, "to stay or travel in foreign countries," from peregre, "in a foreign country, abroad," from per, "through" + ager, "land."
- The removal of excess body hair via waxing, shaving, plucking. Also manscap - ing, ed. See Metrosexual
When your chick calls you a Yeti, it might be time for a little manscaping.
What was the original meaning of the phrase "caught red-handed"?
- It was used to describe murderers who were found with their victims’ blood on their hands.
- Battle of Crécy: longbows helped the heavily outnumbered English defeat the French, marking the decline of chivalry and the rise of England as a world power (1346)
- Donoghue v Stevenson: woman found a snail in her ginger beer; this case became a cornerstone of British law in the field of negligence (1928)
- Pope John Paul I: Italian cardinal dubbed the Smiling Pope assumed the papacy; he died 33 days later (1978)
- Albert Sabin (1906-1993): microbiologist who developed polio vaccine; scientists Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777), Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794), Lee De Forest (1873-1961) and Jerome Hunsaker (1886-1984)
- Branford Marsalis (48): Grammy-winning jazz saxophonist
- Thalía (36): Mexican pop superstar
- Adrian Young (39): drummer of No Doubt
- Shirley Manson (42): singer of Garbage
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