Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the cinema: 2012

I VOWED that I would NOT see this movie. John Cusack and Amanda Peet on the same screen? It has epic fail written all over it.

Basically a couple scientists figure out that neutrinos frOm the sun are causing the Earth's core to boil. In time, in 2012, it will cause the entire planet to shift around, but in a deadly and explosive way. Nations around the world keep this a secret while working on a plan to save humanity. The plan? They wanted to build 10 giants arks to house people through the impending massive flooding that's expected. The movie is about John Cusack and his family trying to get to China. Where else could they manage such a massive project in secrecy? But they only get 4 of the ten built, and one was damaged before it could be moved out of it's bay. So human existence is stuffed into three ships.

The movie is SO ridiculous that I hated myself through all 158 minutes. The special effects are definitely cool and the only reason to see this movie, but everything else is shockingly dopey. Do yourself a favor, if you didn't see it, don't bother. Wait for it to come to TV, where it was meant to be, a cheesy small-screen end-of-the-world flick.

More on IMDB:


Ilaria said...

You should have told me this weeks ago!
Seriously, I went in prepared - and only because my best friend instited - as I knew the only thing I could expect from this was F/X. I had read enough on IMDb to know that the Maya and all that crap are barely mentioned.
So, if you really have to, but only if you really can't help it, go in to enjoy the special effect and don't expect more.