Saturday, January 02, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

constitutional \kon-stih-TOO-shuhn-uhl; -TYOO-\, noun:

  • A walk taken for one's health.
A constitutional is so called because it is taken for the benefit of one's constitution.
Head Splinter
  • A painfully annoying song that gets stuck in your head, in extreme cases, impeding everyday tasks.
I've got "I don't feel like dancing" stuck in my head, it's a real head splinter!!
What part of the human anatomy has more sweat glands than any other?
  • The sole of the foot. Each foot has about 3,000 sweat glands per square inch, for a total of approximately 250,000. The palms of our hands also have about 3,000 sweat glands per square inch, but cover a smaller surface area.
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