Tuesday, March 02, 2010

On CD: Never the Same by Charley Langer

At one time we had a "Cool Jazz" station on the radio here in NYC. In all my cars I had that station as a preset. That station is gone, but the urge for modern jazz isn't.

Recently the CD Never the Same by Charley Langer came across my desk. It's 50 minutes of smart jazz.

The assortment of musicians on this album are extremely talented. Couple that together with some great production and the result is a very well polished album. None of the ten songs is anything less than perfect. As a musician I would even consider some of the tracks to be provocative as they grab you and make you think about the music.

If you have a taste for a great jazz CD, look this one up!

More here:



Heff said...

May have to look in to this. Heff digs him some jazz.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

This was pretty enjoyable. Listened to it nonstop all weekend.