Sunday, October 30, 2011

A very strange thing happened in CT

Today is my birthday. So Mrs. bax0jayz was thoughtful enough to plan a whole weekend around my birthday and Halloween, as I truly enjoy it to be celebrated. Also she packed up some outfits so I can have a few shoots in the can for this website. She wanted to be featured as a sexy nurse this year. Here's a first pic...


And the one I took directly after...


WTF is that smudge on the bottom right-hand corner of the first pic??? Keep in mind, we were in a well lit room and I was using THREE FLASHES for this shoot. There were no shadows in any of the other photos!

I've seen enough programs about the paranormal to know the following:
  • Connecticut is the MOST HAUNTED STATE in the US.
  • Unexplained shadows in a photo might be photographic evidence of paranormal activity.
What was it? Who knows. But it would be cool if I got a shot of something weird!
Happy Halloween!