To celebrate the April 24th release, along with the success of the CMT video series, Kip will be giving away an autographed copy of the album to a few lucky fans. Simply head to the singer’s video page on CMT.com and Tweet your favorite of his current webisodes using the Twitter button below the video player. Include the hashtag #WinUpAllNight, and make sure to follow Kip at @KipMooreMusic for a chance to win.
Keep an eye on Kip’s Facebook and Twitter for the remaining three clips in the series (and more chances to win), and head to Kip's official site at KipMoore.net for all the latest tour news. Up All Night, featuring hit single “Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck,” is available for pre-order on Amazon.
Twitter Version: Win a signed copy of @KipMooreMusic's debut CD! Follow Kip & RT your fave webisode from the link w/ tag #WinUpAllNight http://on.cmt.com/HkmK11
"Somethin' 'Bout a Truck" on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ws6v8z
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