Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Review Tuesday: The White River Monster [Series] by Keith Rommel

The White River Monster
by Keith Rommel
People go missing in search of "Whitey" the White River monster in Newport, Arkansas.
My brother knows the author of this series and he was written into the last three books of the series. When I heard that, I felt compelled to read these books. 

This tale begins with a freelance reporter looking for the story of a lifetime, Whitey - the White River Monster, but ended up missing. As a result the rest of his family is lured to come after him and meeting the same grim fate. 

There are a total of six separate short stories that could be read in order or could be enjoyed singly. I would recommend starting from the beginning and reading everything right up to the end. 

The way it's compiled reminds me of sci-fi classics like I, Robot and The Martian Chronicles. You have these various stories, but they are part of something bigger. Each part of The White River Monster is short and easy to read. It leaves you ready to start on the next part until you finally read the very Lovecraftian conclusion. 

Clever and fun writing. Worth your time and money to read!

I read these as separately, but they have recently been collected into a single volume.

Find the collected version on AMAZON.


Keith Rommel said...

Thanks for the excellent review.

Keith Rommel said...

Thanks for the excellent review.