orthoepy \awr-THOH-uh-pee\, noun:
1. The study of correct pronunciation.2. The study of the relationship between the pronunciation of words and their orthography.
Orthoepy is essentially a modification of the Greek orthoepeia, literally "correctness of diction."
lap flaps
- the pieces of paper that fall out of magazines into your lap.
This magazine is full of lap flaps!
- Battle of Crécy: longbows helped the heavily outnumbered English defeat the French, marking the decline of chivalry and the rise of England as a world power (1346)
- 19th Amendment: women's suffrage became the law of the land in the US (1920)
- Donoghue v Stevenson: woman found a snail in her ginger beer; this case became a cornerstone of British law in the field of negligence (1928)
- MLB on TV: the first Major League Baseball game was televised from Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York; the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers split a doubleheader (1939)
- Pope John Paul I: Italian cardinal dubbed the Smiling Pope assumed the papacy; he died 33 days later (1978)
- Lee Deforest 1873
- Christopher Isherwood 1904
- Albert Sabine 1906
- Mother Teresa (Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu) 1910
- Jim Davis 1915
- Ronnie Graham 1919
- Georgia Gibbs 1920
- Ben Bradlee 1921
- Irving R. Levine 1922
- Jan Clayton 1925
- Ben J. Wattenberg 1933
- Tommy Heinsohn 1934
- Geraldine Ferraro 1935
- Don Bowman 1937
- Bill White 1939
- Vic Dana 1942
- Swede Savage 1946
- Valerie Simpson 1948
- Bob Cowsill (The Cowsills) 1949
- Michael Jeter 1952
- Brett Cullen 1956
- Alex Trevino 1957
- John O'Neill 1957
- Jet Black (The Stranglers) 1958
- Branford Marsalis 1960
- Jimmy Olander (Diamond Rio) 1961
- Chris Burke 1965
- Shirley Manson (Garbage) 1966
- Adrian Young (No Doubt) 1969
- Melissa McCarthy 1971
- David Grubka 1972
- Chris Pine 1980 (Captain Kirk)
- Macaulay Culkin 1980
- Shellie Chapman aka Tori Black 1988 (t3h pr0n)

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