Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Review Tuesday: The Crazies (2010)

 The Crazies (2010 film) - Wikipedia

When residents of a small town start acting out of character, it seems a deeper conspiracy is afoot. 
In an age that [half of] people are more suspicious of their government than ever, it seems like a perfect time to remake George A Romero's 1973 film THE CRAZIES. This was another selection by Mrs Bax0jayz for movie night and I was very interested in this selection as I had the vaguest recollection of the original flick by the same name. 
David (Timothy Olyphant) was the sheriff of a town that started acting... strange. Residents are acting uncharacteristically violent. It turned that out a military plane carrying some toxin had crashed outside of town contaminating the local water supply. That's when thing go haywire. People start destroying the town. Feds showed up to save the day. Or did they? 
The bulk of the film is around the sheriff and his wife trying to escape the town with their lives. Compelling and suspenseful. Plenty of stuff to make you paranoid and keep you on the edge of your seat. Also, a lot of fun! Worth your time to watch!

Catch it on AMAZON
More on IMDB