Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

inexorable \in-EK-sur-uh-bul; in-EKS-ruh-bul\, adjective:

  • Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm; determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless.
Inexorable comes from Latin inexorabilis, from in-, "not" + exorabilis, "able to be entreated, placable," from exorare, "to entreat successfully, to prevail upon," from ex-, intensive prefix + orare, "to speak; to argue; to pray."
Verbal Handcuffs
  • When someone won't stop talking (usually about a subject you have no interest in). The talker has verbally forced you to stand there there and listen, even though you have given many clues that you have checked out. Examples: vacant stares, looking at your watch, checking your phone, answering in short one word phrases.
Girl 1 : So then I realized my cat really likes Meow Mix more than Frisky's but only if I mix it with Fancy Feast.
Girl 2: (Stares blankly)
Girl 1: Unless of course it's Chicken Livers from 9 Lives, Snowball loves that. It's her favorite.
Girl 2: Uh-huh.
Girl 1: Of course on her birthday I give her the good stuff, real tuna!
Girl 2: (Thinks fuck me, verbal handcuffs)

  • Washington's Birthday (2/16/21)
  • Tutankhamen's tomb: Egyptian king's burial chamber was opened, mesmerizing the world with the wealth inside; among the treasures found were a gold throne, a gold sarcophagus and the king's mummified body (1923)
  • nylon: the high-strength synthetic polymer was patented by industrial chemist Wallace Hume Carothers (1937)
  • Fidel Castro: became leader of Cuba after ousting Fulgencio Batista; he stepped down in 2008 due to ill health, and his brother Raúl took office (1959)
  • 911: Alabama's speaker of the house placed the first call on the US emergency telephone system, in Haleyville (1968)
  • Henry Adams 1838
  • Robert Flaherty 1884
  • Van Wyck Brooks 1886
  • Katharine Cornell 1898
  • Chester Morris 1901
  • Wayne King (The Waltz King) 1901
  • Edgar Bergen 1903
  • Hugh Beaumont 1909
  • Jimmy Wakely 1914
  • Bill Doggett 1916
  • Patty Marie Andrews 1918 - Singer (The Andrews Sisters)
  • Jean Behra 1921
  • Vera-Ellen Westmeyer Rohe 1921
  • Otis Blackwell 1932
  • Gretchen Wyler 1932
  • Sonny Bono 1935 - Singer (Sonny and Cher)
  • Barry Primus 1938
  • Herbie & Harold Kalin (The Kalin Twins) 1939
  • Jeremy Bulloch 1946 - Actor (Boba Fett)
  • Pete Postlethwaite 1946 - Actor
  • William Katt 1951 - Actor
  • Margaux Hemingway 1955
  • James Ingram 1956 - Singer
  • LeVar Burton 1957 - Actor
  • Ice-T 1958 - Rapper
  • Lisa Loring 1958 - Actress
  • John McEnroe 1959 - Tennis player
  • Andy Taylor 1961 - Musician (Duran Duran)
  • Jerome Bettis 1972 - Football player
  • Ahman Green 1977 - Football player
  • Sam Salter 1978 - Singer