Office Christmas Party
A tech branch manager has two days to land a huge deal, or or the office faces massive lay-offs or even shut-down.
About a year ago I allowed Mrs Bax0jayz to select a movie for our Christmas Eve viewing pleasure. This is what she came up with.
The branch manager of a tech firm is an irresponsible playboy. He also happens to be the son of the former CEO who had passed away. That would be Clay Vanstone, played expertly by T.J. Miller. While he's busy not paying attention to the workings of his business, it's really run by Josh Parker (Jason Bateman) and Tracey Hughes (Olivia Munn). From the start you already know that nice guy Josh and hottie Tracey will end up together by the end. Predictible.
Things seem to be chugging along at the company until Clay's sister shows up, Carol, played by Jennifer Aniston. She informs that the branch is under-performing and will need to cut expenses, including 40% of of their staff unless they are able to land this huge sale within TWO DAYS.
So, as you would imagine, the rest of the movie is how Clay throws a master-blaster party to try to charm the rep into giving them the account, and how it goes completely out of control.
Was it silly and stupid. Yes. Was it fun and watchable. Also yes. In addition, between Olivia Munn, Jernnifer Aniston, Jamie Chung, and Abbey Lee prancing around on screen hot as ever, it sure makes it more watchable. The amount of man-ass and cocks that get screen time subtracts some points.
Meh, not bad.

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