Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Review Tuesday: MEANDER [2020]

 Meander (2021) – Review: A Fun and Thrilling Horror Film That You Should  Watch | Movies, Films & Flix
A woman, trapped in a series of tunnels, tries to find the way out. 
Mrs. Baxojayz was looking through Amazon Prime and stumbled across this movie. It had really good reviews and was considered a horror, so she selected it for the evening's viewing. 
The movie starts off with a woman (played by Gaia Weiss) laying across a road, while it;s snowing. A dude pulls up and offers her a ride, since she says she's lost. The turn on the radio and it's a news report describing a vicious murderer who happened to be the guy driving. He attacked her. Next thing you know that woman is wearing some weird bodysuit with what looks like a doughnut shaped lantern around her wrist and is in some kind of small cube of a room. A portal opens up and she starts crawling through, hoping to find an exit. 

This movie is an hour and a half of this woman's misery. Between the physical punishment she is forced to endure in the tunnels and the psychological torment, this seems like a sadistic fantasy of some sort. Also, it seemed very similar to those CUBE movies. Then, all of a sudden it was over. Where was she? Who did this? Why? 

This movie won a bunch of awards and was nominated for many more. Honestly, I don't understand all the kudos. It feels weird watching another human being put through this misery. It was compelling to some degree and suspenseful, but it would've been nice if they told us anything. It's a bit hard to watch, human nature tends to make us feel bad when we see something beautiful being destroyed, which is why I think they chose Gaia to star in this. 

I honestly don't understand what all the fuss was all about. 

More on IMDB
See it on AMAZON
  Meander (2021) Russian movie poster