Jackass Presents
Bad Grandpa
Irving Zisman has to drove his grandson, Billy, from Nebraska to North Carolina. Mayhem ensues.
Jackass decided to make a full length film around the character Irving Zisman, played by Johnny Knoxville. The premise is that Irving's wife passed away, and at the same time his drug-addicted daughter is dumped her son, Billy (played by Jackson Nicoll) on him as she's headed to jail. Irving, finally free of married life, doesn't want to be saddled with a cock-blocking grandson to keep an eye on. Irving decides to drive from Nebrska, where he lives, to North Carolina to drop the boy off with his biological father.
The entire film is based on true reactions to what the stars are up to. Whether it's a garage sale, a BINGO game, or even a wake, the stars are in on the joke and hidden cameras catch the true reactions of those caught up in the charade.
It reminded me a lot of those Borat movies, but since no one knew who Irving was, they were able to get better responses. This movie made me laugh harder than I have in a while. Mrs. Baxojayz and I, both, completely enjoyed this film.
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