Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Review Tuesday: The Call of Cthulhu (film) 2005

The Call of Cthulhu - DVD – The HPLHS Store 
The Call of Cthulhu 
(film) 2005

A man takes on the lifework of his great-uncle, regarding Cthulhu and the occult, with a similar outcome.  

A friend told me about this film earlier in the year, knowing full well that I am a fan of the Cthulhu mythos, without the hang-ups that many have with HPLs prejudices. Remember, Lovecraft died from cancer before the Second World War erupted, and before many racist concepts were started to be put to rest. That aside, THE CALL OF CTHULHU  by H.P. Lovecraft was first published in 1928 and is considered by many to be the original work of tentacle horror and occultism. Therein was created and defined a genre. As defining as this work had been, and however many story writers were to be influenced by this work, very little was ever done to bring it to the masses visually. 

In 2005 a clever filmmaker brought us this adaptation of THE CALL OF CTHULHU. Figuring it was be best to keep it as a period piece, Sean Branney and Andrew Leman produced the FIRST EVER movie based on the story. They chose to make it a silent movie in black and white to keep it all appropriately fitting into the period. 

The movie is rather short, under fifty minutes, yet manages to capture most of the major themes of the original tale. The acting is exactly as you would expect in an olde-style silent feature, and it makes it that much more endearing. 

As I understand it, this was the first attempt to bring Lovecraft's most defining work to the screen, and it was a very impressive endeavor at that. Not only will I say I enjoyed it, but it exceeded expectations. I hihly recommend it!

More on IMDB

Watch it FREE on Youtube