Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Review Tuesday: See for Me (2021)

 Watch See For Me | Prime Video
See for Me
A small time thief gets caught up in a big time heist. 
I have noticed a trend in modern horror. Movies about villains that have bag things befall them during their misdeeds... and you are expected to sympathize with them, because they were only committing minor crimes. Boo hoo.  Well this is one of those movies, and my wife insisted that I watch it during a recent flight. 
Sophie (Skylar Davenport) is blind, but she used to be a teen-age skiing champion. However, now, to make money she takes house-sitting jobs. Who would suspect a blind former ski-celeb? But she would use this image to steal "minor items" from the households and sell them off for quick cash.  

This time, unbeknownst to Sophie, she is hired to watch a house for a woman who is getting a divorce AND involved in shady dealings. While she's casing the joint a team on men break into the house to get into the safe that contains MILLIONS in cash. 

Sophie uses an app on her phone called SEE FOR ME, on which an operator named Kelly (Jessica Parker Kennedy) guides her around and keeps her safe. 

I didn't like this movie. Most of the characters were awful people. Sophie is especially loathsome. I'm supposed to feel bad for what has befallen her? She's a nasty, rude cow who betrays her employers' trust by steeling from them. She even tries to work out a cut with the thieves. I mean, COME ON. She was an awful character and I couldn't care less what happened to her. 

to me, this was a waste of time, unless you like annoying, hateful characters.