gallivant \GAL-uh-vant\, verb:
1. To wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion; gad.2. To go about with members of the opposite sex.
Gallivant has an uncertain origin, but likely stems from a playful take on gallant, "brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous."
PHOBAR, adjective
- Acronym for "PHOtoshopped Beyond All Recognition." A play on the the more popular acronym FUBAR: "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition," PHOBAR refers to an image, usually a photo of a person, that has been retouched and airbrushed with digital image manipulation software on a computer so significantly, that the person in the photo is barely recognizable.
Of course she looks perfect in that photo, she was PHOBAR.
- Joseph Rainey: became the first African American to sit in the US House of Representatives (1870)
- The Katzenjammer Kids: oldest comic strip still in syndication debuted (1897)
- Guglielmo Marconi: transmitted the first transatlantic radio signal, from Cornwall to Newfoundland; the feat was unsubstantiated (1901)
- Boys Town: youth center was founded by Father Flanagan (1917)
- Arthur Ashe: became the first African American to be ranked #1 in tennis (1968)
- Keiko: Willy of Free Willy, a killer whale, died of pneumonia in his mid-20s in a Norwegian fjord (2003)
Gustave Flaubert 1821
- Edvard Munch 1863
- Edward G. Robinson 1893
- Robert Covington 1914
- Frank Sinatra 1915
- Joe Williams 1918
- Bob Barker 1923
- Ed Koch 1924
- Robert N. Noyce 1927
- Connie Francis 1938
- Dionne Warwick 1940
- Mike Pinder (Moody Blues) 1942
- Grover Washington Jr. 1943
- Dickey Betts (The Allman Brothers) 1943
- Wings Hauser 1947
- Bill Nighy 1949
- Paul Rodgers (Bad Company) 1949
- Cathy Rigby 1952
- Sheila E. 1957
- Cy Curnin (Fixx) 1957
Sheree J. Wilson 1958
- Tracy Ann Austin Holt 1962 - Tennis player
- Mädchen Amick 1970
- Jennifer Connelly 1970
- Bobbi Billard 1975 - t3h pr0n
- Mayim Bialik 1975
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