Halloween Ends
The Official Movie Novelization
by Paul Brad Logan
The end of the horrific shape of evil and Halloween, Michael Myers.
After I saw the movie HALLOWEEN ENDS (reviewed HERE) I had this nagging feeling that there was a LOT MORE going on that didn't translate into the movie very well, or at all. So, I got the book, and finished reading it a couple weeks ago, but had more timely things to review in the meantime.
My suspicions (and those of many others) were correct. There was a LOT more going on in this story that, if they were included, fans and movie-goers would've been much happier. Explanations for EVERYTHING were all within those pages. The backstory of the hobo who lived outside of Michael's tunnel? His connection is in there. What was with Michael's dead arm? That was in there. How did Michael SURVIVE in a sewer pipe for four years? It's in there! How did Michael escape Haddonsfield at the end of Halloween Kills? It's in there! Everything EVERYTHING you wanted and / or needed to know to make this final installment more complete had been written out. If this was based on an early script, or a script that had ended up butchered in a editor's booth in a need cut down on play time, I have no idea. I suppose that if the Blu-Ray comes out with a 4 hour extended edition, then we will know.
All that aside, I found this book to be extremely rewarding. It's well-written AND gives me answers to ALL of the questions I had after watching the movie. If you like to read horror, or just want to find out on your own, I recommend reading this book.
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