Star Wars
Episode IX
Duel of the Fates
Motion Comic
(full movie)
Unbelievable stupidity and incredibly amazing timing saves the Resistance against the First Order.
A long time ago I heard about this absolutely amazing script that had been written by Colin Trevorrow for Episode IX but was scrapped in favor of J.J. Abrams poor attempt to wrap up the Sequel Trilogy after Rian Johnson wasted an entire movie that made no progress in the story. I read it, and hated it. I reviewed it here. It was more of the pathetic stupidity from Ep 8 and I was glad that it never made it onto the big screen. However, someone made it into a moving comic and it's available FOR FREE on YouTube.
In the years since I read that script I have seen people rave about how GOOD this script was and how terrible it was that it was passed on. I found myself wondering, if it was really as bad as I remembered and recently YouTube popped up this video. I was baffled by the timing. I happened to be wondering about this, so why not waste nearly three hours of my life and watch this? It is like a comic book being brought to your screen, box by box. They have voice actors and even images and video from various sources in the Star Wars universe.
After watching this thing I came to the same conclusion. This story was pure shit. Just a lot of the same stupidity from dragged from the wreckage of the Rian Johnson disaster and made even worse. Rose Tico is even more annoying. Finn is still a dope, then suddenly gets the storm-troopers and residents of Coruscant to rise up with one quick speech. The Knights of Ren were still wasted. Kylo Ren it cartoonishly dumb. And Rey is the bestest Jedi EVAR! No training or education, she just KNOWS how to be the best Jedi who has ever lived. Just like that! And, even though Kylo has the upper hand in teh final battle, and was about to kill Rey, his mommy tells him NOT TO and he obeys! Why didn't Leia think of this before?
Jeez, my initial reaction to this script was just backed up with this film. The script is trash. Colin Trevorrow is a hack who managed to write an even worse story than we got. And tehre are people who actually like this tripe? WTF!
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