rakish \REY-kish\, adjective:
1. Smart; jaunty; dashing.2. Of a vessel: having an appearance suggesting speed.3. Like a rake; dissolute: rakish behavior.
Rakish enters the English lexicon in the 1700s, but rake, as in "immoral person," goes back further, possibly descended from the Middle English rakel, "headstrong."
- Peak hour traffic or any general traffic which slows you down.
Im late for work and im stuck in traffuck.

- serendipity: word was coined by Horace Walpole in a letter to Horace Mann (1754)
- Carnegie Institute: Andrew Carnegie established this private scientific research foundation after the US government refused his gift of $10 million to finance the advancement of knowledge (1902)
- "We Are the World": Michael Jackson/Lionel Richie song that raised millions for famine relief in Africa was recorded by 45 popular performers (1985)NASA Space Shuttle Explosion: Challenger exploded 73 seconds into take-off killing the entire crew.
- Element 114: scientists announced the creation of the synthetic radioactive chemical element (1999)
- Jose Marti 1853
- William Seward Burroughs 1857
- Artur Rubinstein 1889
- Jackson Pollock 1912
- Jim Bryan 1927
- Acker Bilk 1927
- Ronnie Scott 1927
- Acker (Bernard) Bilk 1929
- Susan Sontag 1933
- Nicholas Pryor 1935
- Alan Alda 1936
- John Beck 1943
- Susan Howard 1943
- Dick Taylor (The Pretty Things) 1943
- Brian Keenan 1944
- Marthe Keller 1945
- Barbi Benton 1950
- Dave Sharp (The Alarm) 1959
- Sam Phillips 1962
- Dan Spitz 1964 (Anthrax)
- Greg Cook (Ricochet) 1965
- Rakim 1968
- DJ Muggs (Cypress Hill) 1968
- Katherine Morris 1969
- Joey Fatone Jr. ('N Sync) 1977
- Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) 1980
- Elijah Wood 1981

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