9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America:
And Four Who Tried to Save Her
by Brion McClanahan
Brion McClanahan discusses the Executive Branch and its job as outlined in the US Constitution.
Amused by the title, I decided to give this book a view. It was published in 2016 so, obviously, the author wasn't able to get into our last two presidents. That aside, he defines what the job of the president is, based on the Constitution and listed the nine worst offenders of un-Constutional presidential overreach. After that, he goes over four presidencies that were the MOST Constitutional and tried to repair damage from previous Chief Executives.
In the 21st century we live in a world that the US Presidency is less of a Executor of Constitutional laws and policies and more like an elected Monarch.At this point in history, we have been so programmed by the imperial presidency that we have gotten used to, and even EXPECT the President to rule the country from the Oval Office rather than using the United Constitution as a guide. When you think back to recent Presidencies, making declarations that he has a phone and a pen and can do anything he likes, of laments that he is bound by a two hundred year old document that prevents him from steam-rolling the country with his statist policies.
What I found fascinating is that the author isn't some partisan hack. He holds members of any party responsible for their actions.
This book was quite the eye-opener. I highly recommend it to anyone who is wondering how the US has descended into the state that it's in today. Perfect review for PRESIDENT'S DAY!
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