Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Review Tuesday: The Suicide Squad 2021

The Suicide Squad
Another band of criminals was assembled to tackle an impossible mission. 
After the first Suicide Squad movie, I had little interest in seeing another. Sure, Margot Robbie is worth watching in anything, but did I really want to watch another movie about villains being good guys... sorta? It was the inflight movie, so what the hell, I gave it a shot.
I am going to say, immediately, that James Gunn exceeded my expectations. After assembling the teams he showed us just how expendable the Suicide Squad is with their first confrontation. You get that feeling that they don't care if ANYONE returns from the mission. 
That said, the characters were unusual and well developed. You even wonder why some of these characters were selected for the mission. What role cane they possibly play?  Case in point, Harley Quinn is just a sociopath. Really no special skills at all, other than being REALLY nice to look at. But teh story is well developed and fun to follow. The characters are developed well. In general, I would just call it a lot of fun. Is it accurate to the comics? Don't know! I don't care for DC comics all that much. Did that hurt my experience? Nope. Gunn did a good enough job that I was able to watch a movie that had that zombie looking Pete Davidson in it. 

I am sure it's on all the cable channels by now. If you were thinking about it, pull the trigger and give it a view. Oddly enough, of all the characters to get a spin-off thy went with John Cena's Peacemaker, which was a serious WTF moment when you see what happens to his character in the movie.
Get it on AMAZON