afflatus \uh-FLAY-tuhs\, noun:
- A divine imparting of knowledge; inspiration.
Afflatus is from Latin afflatus, past participle of afflare, "to blow at or breathe on," from ad-, "at" + flare, "to puff, to blow." Other words with the same root include deflate (de-, "out of" + flare); inflate (in-, "into" + flare); soufflé, the "puffed up" dish (from French souffler, "to puff," from Latin sufflare, "to blow from below," hence "to blow up, to puff up," from sub-, "below" + flare); and flatulent.
hipster head bob
- A small nod of the head, done repetitively in synchronization with music. Denotes approval of music by the listener. Performed at concerts by concert-goers, or while listening to music by the listener.
- Substituted for dancing by hipsters, who are too cool to dance.
Andy: Dude, how was the DFA1979 show?
Brad: Great, except for all the douches doing the hipster head bob. I just wanted to get down!
- Andrew Jackson: US president was censured by the Senate for his actions in the Bank War; the censure was later expunged from the record (1834)
- Turkey: key cities changed names: Constantinople became Istanbul and Angora was tweaked to Ankara (1930)
- Virginia Woolf: distinguished novelist, critic and essayist (A Room Of One's Own) committed suicide by drowning; she had been suffering from depression and bouts of mental illness for many years (1941)
- Three Mile Island: the most serious nuclear accident in US history took place at a power station in Pennsylvania (1979)
- Paul Whiteman 1890
- August Busch 1899
- Rudolf Serkin 1903
- Frank Lovejoy 1912
- Jay Livingston 1915
- Dirk Bogarde 1921
- Thad Jones 1923
- Freddie Bartholomew 1924
- Bill Anthony 1930
- Charlie McCoy 1941 - Country musician
- Mike Newell 1942 - Director
- Conchata Ferrell 1943 - Actress
- Ken Howard 1944 - Actor
- Chuck Portz (The Turtles) 1945
- Barry Miles 1947
- Dianne Wiest 1948 - Actress ("Law and Order")
- Milan Williams 1948 - Musician (Commodores)
- Ronnie Ray Smith 1949
- Tracey Needham 1967 - Actress
- Max Perlich 1968 - Actor
- Salt (Cheryl James) 1969 - Rapper (Salt-N-Pepa)
- Vince Vaughn 1969 - Actor
- Brett Ratner 1969 - Actor
- Mr. Cheeks 1971 - Rapper (Lost Boyz)
- Ken L. 1973 - Actor
- Annie Wershing 1977 - Actress ("24")
- Julia Stiles 1981 - Actress
- Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) 1986 - Musician

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