A loser takes an experimental drug that opens his mind.
I hate Bradley Cooper. I tend to avoid anything he's in because I hate his ferret-face. So, when Limitless came out, I watched the same movie but with a female star LUCY. That wasn't much better for me because I am not a fan of Scarlett Johansson either, but I digress.
Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is a struggling writer. I am being kind. Eddie is a loser. He can't get his act together and excels at procrastinating. He has a writing deadline in days, and he meets up with his ex's brother. The dude offers a miracle drug that should help with Eddie's creativity. It does that and much more. The only trouble is that other, much more violent people, are after the same drug.
As a result of taking this drug, Eddie becomes a genius. He was able to write his book and meet his deadline. Then makes investments. Then makes his way into an investment firm, and gains notoriety.
The trouble is that everyone is after the drug, and Eddie, and he has to use his full intellectual capacity to keep ahead of everyone. So, this is really a rags to riches story, how a world-class loser was able to transform himself into a successful world-class leader.
Despite the fact that I hate the two stars of this film, Bradley Cooper AND Robert DeNiro, the story moves along at a nice pace and the story keeps your interest. Despite myself, I enjoyed this movie and if you haven't seen it, you might like it too!
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