A former US Federal Agent goes on his own mission to break up a child smuggling ring.
have been hearing about this movie for weeks now. My more "progressive"
friends were all upset and against it, while my more conservative
friends were calling this movie important. With that in mind, I knew I
had to see this movie and did so last Wednesday.
Ballard is a US Federal Agent who takes down Americans who deal in
kiddie porn. Take down the consumers and there will be no market for the
pornographers. Something of a long and difficult process to solve a
problem. However, this particular bust was of a deviant so proud of his
ways he actually wrote a BOOK on his exploits. Ballard (played by the
amazing Jim Caviezel, better known from Person Of Interest and The
Passion of the Christ) manipulated Oshinsky (Kris Avedisian did an
amazing job being a creep) into getting him a link into the world of
human trafficking and child sex slavery. The rest of the film is
Ballard's journey to reunite a family that was broken up by human
slavers, and how he broke their seedy ring.
a budget of under $15 mill, and relatively little advertising, this
movie has already grossed over $160 mill worldwide. This is a triumph
since it's all about awareness. Sometimes filmmakers say they do
something for noble reasons, but the finished product just isn't great.
This, on the other hand, is marvelous. The acting is AMAZING. The
cinematography is perfect. The writing is EXCELLENT. It's been a long
time since I have been to a movie and heard people CRYING in their
what is all the hubbub about? The ones attacking the film are choosing
some pretty sad points. It's not really accurate... Really? You mean a
movie that says it's based on real events isn't 100% historically
correct? I read another attack saying that one major financial backer
was involved in child trafficking as well. That turned out to be one guy
who donated $500 on a Go-Fund-Me campaign who had a renter and SHE
abducted her child from her ex-husband. See? These are the weird,
nit-picky, claims media outlets are aiming at this movie. Meanwhile,
this movie illustrates so many facets of the human trafficking business,
from snatching children in the streets to to ultimate consumers,
whether it's a person in the jungles buying a child princess to keep in
bed with him or the pedophile sitting at his desk in suburban USA
downloading kiddie porn. While this movie had a happy ending, of sorts,
they let you know there are millions upon millions of tragedies in this
movie isn't meant to be a feel-good movie. It's a feel-BAD movie that
raises awareness of modern day slavery and enrages you. If you are not
saddened by what goes on in the world outside of your protective bubble,
it makes me wonder if you even have a heart and a soul? Were people
enrages with the line, "God's children are not for sale"? Were they
upset with what the Sound of Freedom was? Go watch the movie to see what
it is and try NOT to shed a tear.
have seen a LOT of horror movies over the years but none of that
compares to the horrors humans perpetrate against each other, especially
against children. We are supposed to PROTECT our children and give them
the tools to grow up and have happy, productive lives. No one can
convince me that pedophilia, or as they prefer to be called these days:
Minor-Attracted Adults, is anything normal and forcing children to grow
up as they forced into a world of sex-slavery is disgusting and against
all that makes us civilized.
go see this film. Heighten your awareness. Mrs. Bax0jayz used one
perfect word to describe this movie: POWERFUL. See for yourself.
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