ululate, [uhl-yuh-leyt, yool-] verb
- to lament loudly and shrilly.
- to howl, as a dog or a wolf; hoot, as an owl.
ORIGIN: Ululate is a straightforward borrowing from Latin ululātus, past participle of the verb ululāre “to howl, shriek.” The verb derives from the noun ulala and a variant uluca “owl” from a Proto-Indo-European root of imitative origin: u- with variants ul-, ulul-, and uwal- “to howl.” (Imitative roots must be handled carefully because it is easy to make unjustified derivations.) The variant u- is the source of German Uhu “owl.” Latin uluca is related to Sanskrit úlūka- “owl.” The root variant uwal- is the source of German Eule “owl” and English owl. Ululate entered English in the 17th century.
where her legs begin
- A poetic way of saying pussy.
Brandon sat around thinking of Amelia and how he would love to get back to where her legs begin.

At what depth are oceans in total darkness, with absolutely no sunlight penetrating from above?
- Below 3,280 feet.
- RAF: UK prime minister Winston Churchill saluted his country's air force with the statement, ''Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" (1940)
- Economic Opportunity Act 0f 1964: LBJ signed the act — part of his Great Society policies — that would give life to programs like Head Start
- Prague Spring: brief period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia ended when the country was invaded by Warsaw Pact troops and tanks (1968)
- Voyager 2: space probe left Earth to tour Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; it continues to transmit data as it leaves the solar system (1977)
- Bernardo O’Higgins 1778
- Emily Bronte 1818
- Benjamin Harrison (U.S.) 1833
- Edgar Guest 1881
- H.P. Lovecraft 1890 - author / horror / Cthulhu
- Van Johnson 1916
- Walter Bernstein 1919
- Jacqueline Susan 1921
- Jim Reeves 1924
- Frank Rosolino 1926
- Joya Sherrill 1927
- Don King 1931
- Frank Capp-Pierce (Capp-Pierce Juggernaut) 1931
- Ron Paul 1935 - libertarian
- Justin Tubb 1935
- Sam Melville 1936
- Isaac Hayes 1942
- Rahiv Ghandi (India) 1944
- Connie Chung 1946
- Jim Pankow 1947 - Musician (Chicago)
- Robert Plant 1948 - Musician (Led Zeppelin)
- Phyl Lynott 1951 - Musician (Thin Lizzy)
- John Hiatt 1952
- Michael Jeter 1952
- Doug Fieger 1952 - Musician (The Knack)
- Rudy Gatlin 1952 - Musician (The Gatlin Brothers)
- Peter Horton 1953
- Al Roker 1954 - Television personality
- Quinn Buckner 1954
- Jay Acovone 1955
- Joan Allen 1956
- James Marsters 1962
- KRS-One 1965
- Darrell Abbott 1966 - Guitarist (Pantera)
- Jonathan Ke Quan 1971
- Amy Adams 1974
- Monique Powell 1975 - Musician (Save Ferris)
- Demi Lovato 1992 - Actress and singer
![HR] Demi Lovato Ass brightened and cropped for a view downtown ...](https://external-preview.redd.it/It5AVe30zN53zwWD-vEH0WUN9MoWu_9_8RKGMOYfcZs.jpg?auto=webp&s=0e15a06cc416add81282a572c5bbe7a01202de79)

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