woolgathering \WOOL-gath-(uh)-ring\, noun:
- Indulgence in idle daydreaming.
Woolgathering derives from the literal sense, "gathering fragments of wool."
floss d'oeuvres
- The food remnants that are collected by flossing which for the most part are covertly re-eaten by the owner since spitting them across the room would be regarded as tacky and vulgar.
John: Did you just eat the crap you pulled from your teeth with that flossing stick Fab??
Fab: And why not?? No reason to waste a good floss d'oeuvres boy!
White Girl Wasted
- To be extremely drunk, high or a mixture of both. The term is derived from the extreme inebriation most commonly experienced by white females between age 17 to 27.
Tonight is 50 cent shot night, we getting white girl wasted for sure!

- bobbies: Sir Robert Peel's police force went on duty at Scotland Yard (1829)
- Tylenol scare: began with the first of seven deaths in the Chicago area from ingestion of cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules (1982)
- Dow Jones: had its steepest one-day drop in history, 778 points (2008)
- Miguel de Cervantes 1547
- Horatio Nelson (England) 1758
- Gene Autry 1907
- Richard Harkness 1907
- Greer Garson 1908
- Michelangelo Antonioni 1912
- Stanley Kramer 1913
- Trevor Howard 1916
- Lizabeth Scott 1922
- Bum Phillips 1923
- Steve Forrest 1924
- Anita Ekberg 1931
- Jerry Lee Lewis 1935 - Musician
- Larry Linville 1939
- Jean-Luc Ponty 1942
- Madeline Kahn 1942
- Ian McShane 1942
- Lech Walesa 1943
- Mike Post 1944
- Patricia Hodge 1946
- Bryant Gumbel 1948
- Mike Pinera (Iron Butterfly) 1948
- Mark Farner (Grand Funk Railroad) 1948
- Alvin Crow 1950
- Sebastian Coe 1956
- Suzzy Roche (The Roches) 1956
- Andrew "Dice" Clay 1958
- Les Claypool (Primus) 1963
- Devante Swing 1969
- Emily Lloyd 1970
- Natasha Gregson Wagner 1970
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