milquetoast \MILK-tohst\, noun:
- A very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated.
Milquetoast is after Caspar Milquetoast, a character in The Timid Soul, a comic strip by H. T. Webster (1885-1952), American cartoonist.
- a professional bro. This is a person who excels in party related activity with a professional style. They are good at all things party: i.e. drinking, smoking, dancing, talking to the opposite sex, getting out of situations, etc.
We were down to one cup in our beerpong game and Brad just walked up, looked at the cup, and sank it in one shot. A true brofessional.
How many ships did Christopher Columbus lose during his four expeditions to the New World?
- Nine. One, the Santa Maria, on the first expedition; four on the second; and two each on the third and fourth expeditions.
How old was Christopher Columbus when he went to sea for the first time?
- 14.
- Columbus Day (US)

- Leif Erikson: the Norwegian explorer became the first European to step on North American soil (1000)
- Roger Williams: religious dissident who espoused a separation of church and state was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony; he went on to found Rhode Island (1635)
- Yale University: was founded in New Haven, as The Collegiate School of Connecticut (1701)
- Laura Ingalls: became the first woman to fly solo across the US, from New York to California (1930) (not the one from Little House on the Prairie)
- Rube Marquard 1889
- Bruce Catton 1899
- Aimee Semple McPherson 1890
- Otto Schnering 1891
- Alistair Sim 1900
- Howard St. John 1905
- Jacques Tati 1908
- Edward Andrews 1914
- Fyvush Finkel 1923
- Donald Sinden 1923
- Joe Pepitone (MLB) 1940
- John Lennon 1940 - Musician (Beatles)
- Peter Tosh 1944
- John Alec Entwistle 1944 - Musician (The Who)
- Jackson Browne 1948 - Musician
- Robert Wuhl 1951
James Fearnley 1954 - Musician (The Pogues)
- Shona Laing 1955
- Scott Bakula 1955 - Actor
- Alain David "Al[ien]" Jourgensen 1958 - Musician (Ministry)
- Mike Singletary (NFL) 1958
- Marisa Roebuck (Pare) 1959 - American Gladiators
- Michael Pare 1959
- Kurt Neumann 1961 - Musician (The Bodeans)
- Gary Bennett (BR5-49) 1964
- Guillermo del Toro 1964
- PJ Harvey (Polly Jean Harvey) 1969 - Musician, singer, songwriter
- Sean Lennon (Sean Tara Ono Lennon) 1975
- Randy Spelling 1978
- Zachery Ty Bryan 1981
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