berserk \ber-SURK\, adjective:
- Violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged.
- Scandinavian legend. An ancient Norse warrior who fought with frenzied rage in battle, possibly induced by eating hallucinogenic mushrooms.
The English usage of berserk lies in an Old Norse story introduced by Sir Walter Scott in 1822. It is from the Old Norse word berserkr (n.) meaning a raging warrior of superhuman strength. Linguistically, it probably from stems from ber- meaning bear and serkr meaning shirt, thus literally "a warrior clothed in bearskin."
Passport To Jersey (n)
- A brightly colored or pastel polo shirt with upturned collar and a pooka shell necklace. Normally accompanied by an artifically bronzed tan.
Bubba, from Pennsylvnia, was going to Atlantic City for the weekend so he swung by Hollister to pick up his PASSPORT TO JERSEY.
- Harvard College: Harvard University's oldest school was founded (1636)
- Statue of Liberty: the iconic monument — a gift from France — was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland (1886)
- Prohibition: US Congress passed the Volstead Act, overriding president Woodrow Wilson's veto; manufacture, sale or transport of alcoholic beverages were banned (1919)
- Benito Mussolini: the Fascist leader took control of Italy's government (1922)
- Nostra Ætate: the Second Vatican Council under Pope Paul VI absolved the Jews of collective guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus (1965)
- Prospero: the first and only satellite launched from a British rocket went into low Earth orbit (1971)
- Desiderius Erasmus 1467
- Georges Escoffier 1846
- Elsa Lanchester 1902
- Edith Head 1907
- Jonas Salk 1914
- Bowie Kuhn 1926
- Cleo Laine 1927
- Dody Goodman 1929
- Joan Plowright 1929
- Bruce Morton 1930
- Suzy Parker 1933
- Jim Beatty 1934
- Charlie Daniels 1936
- Marcian E. (Ted) Hoff 1937
- Jane Alexander 1939
- Curtis Lee 1941
- Hank Marvin (Shadows) 1941
- Dennis Franz 1944
- Wayne Fontana 1945
- Telma Hopkins 1948
- Rick Reynolds (Black Oak Arkansas) 1948
- Bruce Jenner 1949
Annie Potts 1952
- Bill H. Gates 1955
- Stephen Morris (New Order) 1957
- Ron Hemby (The Buffalo Club) 1958
- William Reid (The Jesus & Mary Jane) 1958
- Neville Henry (Blow Monkeys) 1959
- Daphne Zuniga 1962
- Lauren Holly 1963
- Eros Ramazzotti 1963
- Paul Wylie 1964
- Jami Gertz 1965
- Andy Richter 1966
- Julia Roberts 1967
Caitlin Cary 1968
- Ben Harper 1969
- Jeremy Davies 1969
- Roger P. 1972 - the Bax0-brother
- Brad Paisley 1972
- Terrell Davis 1972
- Joaquin Phoenix 1974

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