wellaway \WEL-uh-WEY\, interjection:
- Used to express sorrow.
Wellaway is related to the contemporary word woe. It came from the Old English phrase wā lā wā meaning "woe! lo! woe!"
- Similar to Movember, Decembeard and Manuary, another month for bros added to men not shaving in the hopes of being the manliest man.
Febroary is the my favorite month of the bro months.

- Mary, Queen of Scots: was beheaded after being implicated in the Babington plot against Elizabeth I (1587)
- The Devil's Footprints: 100 miles of hooflike prints appeared in the snow in Devon, England (1855)
- Russo-Japanese War: began with a surprise attack by Japan on the Russian fleet at Port Arthur (now Lüshun) (1904)
- The Birth of a Nation: D.W. Griffith's controversial racist epic, produced for the evil racist President Woodrow Wilson, premiered in Los Angeles (1915)

- William Tecumsen Sherman 1820 - Union General during U.S. Civil War
- Jules Verne 1828
- Dame Edith Evans 1888
- Lyle Talbot 1902
- Chester F. Carlson 1906
- Buddy Morrow 1919
- Lana Turner 1921
- Audrey Meadows 1924
- Jack Lemmon 1925
- Alejandro Rey 1930
- James Dean 1931
- John Williams 1932 - Composer (Star Wars)
- Larry Verne 1936
- Ray Sharpe 1938
- Ted Koppel 1940
- Brian Bennett 1940 - Musician (The Shadows)
- Nick Nolte 1941
- Robert Klein 1942
- Creed Bratton 1943 - Musician (The Grass Roots)
- Bunky Henry 1944
- Dan Seals 1948
- Ron Tyson 1948 - Singer (The Temptations)
- Brooke Adams 1949
- Mary Steenburgen 1953
- John Grisham 1955
- Vince Neil 1961 Musician/Singer (Motley Crue)
- Sammy Llanas 1961 - Musician (The BoDeans)
- Gary Coleman 1968
- Mary McCormack 1969
- Seth Green 1974
- Abi Titmuss 1976 (actress / model)

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