Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Review Tuesday: BAD BEN: Pandemic (2020)

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Tom Riley has virtual meetings with people to determine if they are suffering from the pandemic or paranormal activity. 
We have seen all the movies in this series and, oddly, this installment vanished from all means of viewing for MONTHS.  Whatever the reason, it showed up on AMAZON Prime again, so we watched it back in June. I have been holding off on this for a more appropriate season...

My previous reviews for this series:
This is the EIGHTH movie in the BAD BEN series, brought to us by Nigel Bach aka Tom Riley. His genre is found-footage-films. They are considered horror comedies. You know? Horror movies so bad they start getting good and amusing? Well, there you go! I remember that when we saw the first movie, Mrs Baxojayz said, "There's a bunch of them! They must be good if they keep making them!" Well, no, they weren't. And when each new addition became available we would watch it thinking, surely it can't get worse, but it usually did. In this quest, we, inadvertently, became fans, I suppose. So when this popped up and it was curiously hard to find to view, it got our hopes up. This might be the longest of all the movies, coming in seven minutes short of two hours. And it seems to have the largest cast as well.  
Rather than the usual Tom Riley running around the house trying to keep from getting murdered by demons, ghosts, monsters or clowns, this time he's sitting in his basement and people contact him via internet. He offers to help them discern whether or not their woes are paranormal in nature. Bach's scenes were actually pretty good and amusing. It's all the other footage that was iffy at best. It seemed like a bunch of fan submissions with similar themes. Some weren't very good and dragged on way too long while others seemed not too bad and even somewhat polished. The net result was a bunch sketches that, each, needed their own build up which led to a lot of downtime. 

After this one ended the wife and I looked at each other and concurred that this was the worst of all the Bad Ben movies, and that's saying a lot. But if you enjoy bad horror movies and / or Nigel Bach, you might want to give this a shot.

Watch it on AMAZON
More on IMDB