Friday, April 05, 2024

Client of the day: 04/05/2014

Client of the day: 04/05/2014
A person called the office this morning.
"I want to show the money that my mom gives me as income on my tax return, but how do I do it so that it's not taxable?'
I was baffled. "What? How much are we talking about?"
"About $40,000 to cover my expenses."
"But that's not income," I informed her. "Why do you want to show it?"
"So I can get a credit rating," she stated.
"But that's not income, it's just your mom giving you money," I informed her.
"Yes, that's why I need to know how to show it as exempt from taxes."
So this turned into a philosophical discussion on accounting procedures. "If you want to show it as income you can just throw it onto a Schedule C, but it will be taxable. If you show it, it's going to be taxed. I don't see a way around it."
So she started in, "I imagine there are skilled tax professionals out there who can figure this out for me..."
I cut her off, "Then call THEM. Have a nice day," then hung up.
She went on to call my office four more times until the boss was so aggravated with her wasting our time. He lied and said he'd file an extension for her and we'll help her in May. Fuck that bitch. Mommy's money? Really? Fuck off.