Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hypnagogic \hip-nuh-GOJ-ik; -GOH-jik\, adjective:

  • Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the state of drowsiness preceding sleep.
Hypnagogic (sometimes spelled hypnogogic) ultimately derives from Greek hupnos, "sleep" + agogos, "leading," from agein, "to lead."
that's crazy
  • It's the perfect response when you haven't been listening at all. It works whether the other person has been saying something funny, or sad, or infuriating, or boring....
Them: 'my girlfriend dumped me last night'
You (thirsty, not paying attention): 'oh man, that's crazy'

Them: 'I won 500 bucks at craps last weekend'
You (hungry, daydreaming about a tasty sandwich, not listening): 'wow, that's crazy'
What is the origin of the name Lent, the 40-day Christian observance that begins today?
  • It is derived from the Old English word lencten, for “spring.”
Berfdays, yo!