oppugn \uh-PYOON\ verb
- to fight against
- to call in question
Deuce of Spades
- An unusually black and tarry load of feces. Extension of drop a deuce. Origination: Deuce = "#2"; Spades = a suit of 13 cards in a standard 52-card deck
Matt dropped a deuce of spades that was so black and sticky, the highway department could've paved over that pothole on Elm Street with it.

- buttocks. derived from cropdusting.

- Clara Barton: founded the American Red Cross (1881)
- Leopold and Loeb: two teenagers attempt to commit the perfect crime when they murdered 14-year-old Bobby Franks (1924)
- The Spirit of St. Louis: one-seater plane touched down as Charles Lindbergh completed the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight (1927); Amelia Earhart became the first woman to perform the same feat (1932)
- Hydrogen bomb: first aerial detonation took place over Bikini atoll (1956)
- Rajiv Gandhi: former Indian prime minister was assassinated while running for reelection (1991)
- Susan Lucci: won her first Daytime Emmy award for Best Actress in the 19th consecutive year she was nominated (1999)
- Albrecht Durer 1471
- Philip II (Spain) 1527
- Alexander Pope 1688
- Glenn Hammond Curtiss 1878
- Armand Hammer 1898
- Horace Heidt 1901
- Fats Waller 1904
- Robert Montgomery 1904
- Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel 1909
- Harold Robbins 1916
- Dennis Day 1917
- Raymond Burr 1917
- Anthony Steel 1920
- Andrei Sakharov 1921 - Soviet physicist, he came to be regarded as the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, Soviet antiwar activist
- Ara Parseghian 1923
- Peggy Cass 1924
- Ed Fitz Gerald 1924
- Robert Creeley 1926
- Tommy Bryant 1930
- David Groh 1939
- Heinz Holliger 1939
- Ronald Isley (The Isley Brothers) 1941
- Hilton Valentine (The Animals) 1943
- Janet Daily 1944
- Marcie Blane 1944
- Richard Hatch 1946
- Leo Sayer 1948
- Carol Potter 1948
- Mr. T (Lawrence Tero Tureaud) 1952
- Stan Lynch (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) 1955
- Judge Reinhold 1957
- Lisa Edelstein 1968 - Actress
- Christian McBride 1972
- Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher George Latore Wallace) 1972
- Fairuza Balk 1974

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